Business: Change of Ownership and Financial Responsibility Request

Business Change of Ownership and Financial Responsibility
Service Address
Service Address

Previous Owner:

I understand that by signing below I approve of the Ownership Change of the above business. I agree to pay any outstanding fees or charges incurred prior to the transfer of ownership. I will no longer control any aspect of this account and closing/transfer of ownership).

I will no longer control any aspect of this account and I will not be able to make changes going forward starting on the date of closing/transfer of ownership). I give NineStar Connect permission to transfer control of the above-named business.

New Owner:

I understand that by signing below, I approve of the Ownership Change of the above-named business. I agree to take over any existing contract(s), to complete said contract(s) and taking over fiscal responsibility for the account starting on the date of closing/transfer of ownership. I ensure NineStar Connect that I am an authorized owner and have full authority to make this change in ownership.

Please list any authorized contacts including phone numbers and emails below:
