Ninestar Blog

What is the Cloud?

These days, it’s hard to hear about anything tech-related that does not mention “the cloud” in one form or another. From cloud storage to cloud computing, it seems like everything on the Internet is powered by the cloud. So, what is the cloud and how does it work? Although it sounds like it is out […]

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Why VR Isn’t Ready to Take Off – Yet

Over the past few years, virtual reality (VR) has been called a lot of things. Among them, that it is the next big thing in gaming, but to be honest – it’s not quite there yet. Not only is VR still in its toddler stage – it’s learning to walk, but it’s still falling and […]

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Restart vs. Reset

When contacting tech support, you know that the person on the other end is going to ask you to do some troubleshooting to resolve the problem. There will be a lot of questions about how your devices connect, how many devices you have and so on. There is a lot of information that needs to […]

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Stay in the car!

On a late wintry Saturday afternoon, Nick and Blake decided to take Nick’s car to a movie — despite falling snow and parental advice to stay home. Moments later, where the county road zigged and zagged a mile past their neighborhood, Nick’s car did neither. It slid straight off and bumped into an electric cooperative […]

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Why Everyone Should have a Gmail Account

Once upon a time, folks looking to communicate with others across the World Wide Web would contact their Internet Service Provider (ISP) who could provide them with an email address. It wasn’t a difficult process at all and 10-15 years ago, it was the most common way to go about it. Today however, a lot […]

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Everyday Carry Essentials for the NetAdmin on the Go:

               Working in the tech industry offers unique challenges no matter what position you hold. Often, the problems that arise require tools to fix. Of course, there are tools of the trade such as your standard cable crimper or toner, but people sometimes forget the little things that make life easier. I’m talking about that […]

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